Note: Covid restrictions may be impacting ministries.
The Good Samaritan from Jesus’ story loved his neighbor through sacrificial service. Trinity’s Samaritans serve first by learning about our neighbors, from refugees to the homeless, then take action, whether through advocacy, volunteering or financial contributions. New programs and information are also on our radar, as we make sense of the problems of our world and what we can do.
Learn more about Current Samaritan Projects
Trinity ToyMakers
Perhaps Trinity’s most unique ministry, the ToyMakers create unique handmade quality toys–rare in a world of plastic! Participants, both skilled and newbies, make hundreds of wooden toys. These extraordinary creations are distributed to children through such organizations as Polinski Center for Foster Children, Interfaith Community Services, Ronald MacDonald Homes and the Salvation Army.
Details about Trinity Toymakers
Interfaith Community Services
Interfaith Community Services (ICS) is on the front lines of response to needs in our community. Over 40 years ago Trinity helped found this social service organization. At present Trinity provides ongoing support to the food pantry, cooks meals for Haven House Shelter, and provides financial support. Mother Meg currently serves on the Board of Interfaith Community Services as Chairperson.
Rotational Shelter
Each winter Trinity hosts the North County Rotational Shelter for two weeks. Guests take comfort in parish hospitality while they work on job skills and seek employment. Trinity members serve in many ways: helping with set-up and take-down, providing dinner and breakfast, serving as host or hostess overnight or providing transportation.
Pastoral Care Volunteers
Pastoral Care Volunteers visit and befriend nursing home residents and others who are homebound. They also offer rides to church activities and doctors’ appointments and cook meals for families with new babies and those just out of the hospital. This is a group that knows how to care!
Learn More about Pastoral Care
Haven House Dinners
Trinity provides dinner twice a month to Haven House, the year-round homeless shelter in Escondido. Provisioners drop off the food at Trinity on Thursday by 4. Cooks need to be at Interfaith Community Services by 4:30. Serving begins at 6. Many hands make this ministry work!
Nursing Home Ministry
Trinity celebrates communion at Escondido Post-Acute Rehabilitation (on Mission) on the first Wednesday of the month. Parishioners are invited to participate as friendly visitors, and to help lead the worship service. Visitors are always welcome there!
Prayers and Squares
Quilts are made by participants in the ministry, while the whole congregation shares in praying over them. Quilts can be requested by parishioners for anyone who needs one–Trinity’s quilts have traveled many miles to their destinations! Prayers and Squares provides quilts for Wounded Warriors and blankets for Gently Hugged, a supportive service for new mothers in need.
Learn more about Prayers and Squares
Kairos Prison Ministry
Kairos offers semi-annual weekend ministry sessions in the Donovan prison. Through a simple “cookie ministry” approach, many inmates discover and accept Jesus Christ on each of the weekends. One can participate by helping to bake the cookies or serving on the prison team.
Buildings & Grounds
Keeping parish facilities functioning may not seem like a service to the community, but Trinity provides needed meeting space for a wide variety of nonprofits and community groups. From 12-step programs to dance groups, community organizations find it hard to locate affordable meeting space. Keeping Trinity’s facilities available and functioning is a big job. Our volunteers keep Trinity accessible for all who need its peaceful grounds and convenient meeting spaces.