Text Message for Sept. 22

Luke 16:1-13


This parable has confused Christians for centuries.  Luke himself offers four different conclusions to be drawn from the parable, none of which really fit the details of the story.  But maybe the point of the story is simply to get us thinking.  So let’s think:

Jesus frequently tells stories about managers or stewards who serve by taking care of wealth that is not theirs until their (usually absent) employer returns.  It doesn’t take much imagination to see that we are the stewards, trying to faithfully take care of what God has given us.  Stewardship includes our management of God’s creation, of our financial resources, and even our time.  It has been said that stewardship is everything that follows once we say, “I believe.”  What do you think it means to be a good steward?  Can you think of a decision or priority you have embraced because of this understanding of your life?

What makes it so difficult to talk about money in church?  How have you been able to make the connection between the Gospel and money?

What is your stewardship experience?  Have you reached a place of peace with your decisions regarding money and faith, or are there areas of concern or struggle?


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