Here’s the summary: Covenant. Spoiler alert–this is the story of God and his people. Many stories, actually, but together they illustrate one relationship: Covenant
The major divisions of the Bible reflect this theme, the Old and New Covenants or Testaments. Covenant isn’t the only relationship possible between God and his people, but it is the relationship described in the Bible. Unlike the gods of their surrounding neighbors, Israel’s God made a covenant. Other gods were like superhumans, with demands and appetites just like anyone, only more so. But the God of the Bible is one who can be trusted to keep his word. According to scripture, that’s what makes our God unique.
Who is like our God? (Ps. 113.5)
The promises God makes are many because the covenants are many. Building a relationship based on faith has many facets. Sometimes the covenant requires a human response–circumcision, obedience–but faith is always the common ingredient. But while we might expect the human side of the relationship to grow and change, what is surprising is how scripture records God’s changes. The covenant isn’t easy for God’s people to uphold, nor is it easy for God. Disobedience tries divine patience, but love holds. In the Bible God seems to be learning the price of love as well, a price God pays ultimately in Jesus. Ultimately divine mercy and desire hold the relationship together. With the new covenant written on the heart, participation depends on grace instead of the efforts of obedience. In the end, the basis for the entire relationship is seen: God’s decision to be in love with his creation.
Spoiler alert: The story of the covenant begins, ends and is sustained in grace. Keep reading it to find out what that means.
Some thoughts to consider:
How would you describe God? Does the idea of keeping covenant change your understanding?
Do you think it is possible for God to change his mind?
Check out the Creed that we say in church. How does that connect with the idea of Covenant found in scripture?