"To bring people to Christ and bring Christ to the people"

Trinity’s buildings are currently closed until we can open safely, according to Diocesan and California guidelines.  Trinity’s office is not open for regular hours and Trinity’s services are online.  None of that means Trinity has shut down, however.  Here you can find a list of our regular activities.  Check our Events for special programs.

Online Worship

Sundays:  10 am:  Morning Prayer with prerecorded music and a sermon.  Sing along with our soloists, join us in prayer and be inspired by a practical sermon, all from home.  Come as you are–no need for preparation.  We post the words next to the video feed, making participation simple.

Wednesdays: 10 am:  Morning Prayer on Facebook Live.

Both services are through Facebook Live.  Access them through our Facebook page, or here.   You don’t need a Facebook account to join.

Missed a service?  No problem–all our services are recorded.  Watch them here, on Facebook.  

Online Learning

Wednesday Morning Bible Study:  Beginning at 10:45, following our Wednesday Morning Prayer service, we are led by Mother Meg in a study of the scripture of the day.  It’s always practical.  Email rector@trinityescondido.org  for the Zoom link to  join us.

Thursday Evening Bible Study:  Beginning at 7pm, this study follows the Sunday readings, considering their relevance to our daily lives.  Email  kathanncorr@gmail.com for the Zoom link.

Wednesday Night Study:  Trinity is currently engaged in the Episcopal program, Sacred Ground, a film-based discussion of racism and reconciliation.  While the current group is closed, email rector@trinityescondido.org for informaton about future Sacred Circles

Trinity 101:  One time introduction to Trinity, offered quarterly online via Zoom

Online Socializing

Coffee Hour is available on Zoom after the 10:00 Livestream on Sundays.  Email office@trinityescondido.org for the link.

Children’s Programming

While Sunday School will not meet regularly until Sunday services return, children’s programs continue via email and live events.  Email Lynn Meurs, to find out more.

Service Opportunities

Haven House Dinners:  Trinity provides dinner for Haven House shelter twice a month.  Provisioners who buy the food, cooks and servers are all needed.  Email jan.mcdaniel@gmail.com to get on  the volunteer list.

Food Collection:  Trinity collects food for Interfaith Community Services on Sundays between 1 and 2.

Parking Lot Communion

Trinity will be celebrating communion outdoors on an irregular basis.  Check our events page for details on the next date.