"To bring people to Christ and bring Christ to the people"


Let’s face it–so much about worship is odd.  Words and words to describe and praise an unseen deity–offered in unison speaking and singing–who does that?  All of these seems to recall 

social behaviors of long ago.  You might think of using words like “superstition” or “magic” to describe what we’re doing.  

While many churches try to reduce the oddness factor by creating a worship service that appears to be a live concert, using lights and music to create a desired emotional response, at Trinity we lean into the oddness of worship.  We make a statement in worship, one we hope you will join us in making

What is Worship?

Worship is the ultimate statement of faith.  It is not possible to maintain any sort of faith, no matter what the religion, without participating in some sort of worship.  By taking the time to participate in a worship service, you are making a statement about what you think is true.  The commitment of time and attention demonstrates what you believe.  Thus worship is an offering of your life, your time, your abilities–your very self to God.  The words of the worship service tell us what that offering is all about.  In a typical service we will have words of praise, confession, asking, and describing.  All these words come down to one two-sided truth:  God is God and we are God’s people.  Listen and participate–being in church will define those words for you.

Worship Together

The words and actions of Trinity’s worship service have come down to us through the centuries.  Some parts are truly ancient–from the Hebrew scriptures before Christ.  Others are more modern, and everything in between.  These structures remind us of two things.  First, that we are not alone in our faith.  We get support from being part of a larger community of believers even though we don’t see them.  We are part of something much bigger than ourselves.  Next, we recognize that we didn’t invent this Christian journey.  What does it mean to believe?  Christians have been working out the details for centuries.  The wisdom and insights of the past give us inspiration, as well as humility.  We are surrounded, as scripture says, by a great cloud of witnesses.

Here at Trinity

Right now Trinity’s worship service is primarily offered online.  Our service is something called Morning Prayer, a service with roots in monastic practice.  While we can’t see each other, we are still one worshiping community.  Outdoor communion services are offered on an irregular basis, as safety and weather allow.

Join us!

You do not need to be a member of Trinity to share the experience of corporate worship.  Our online service is easily accessible.  While you may find our worship style to be unusual, even uncomfortable, we invite you to stay.  In worship we are reaching toward a truth beyond our comprehension and joining with a community centuries in the making.  The scope of such a project should make us all a little dizzy!  After a few services, you will feel more familiar with the style, and able to focus on joining in something bigger than yourself

Learn more

You can find out much more about the Episcopal Church, our worship style and beliefs on the National Episcopal Church website.  

Find out about Morning Prayer and even try it for yourself here:  Daily Office 

Learn about Episcopal saints and history on the Episcopal Calendar

More about Trinity

Go here for an outline of a typical In-Person Sunday morning service.

Check here for a list of worship ministries at Trinity