Why come to church?
Clearly we are seeking a relationship with God, but do we really need the church for that?
Surprising as it may seem to us modern do-it-yourselfers is that the answer is yes! Pastoral Care has a lot to do with why.
Pastoral Care is the name for the ministries that help us look out for one another. In any community, sometimes we have to help one another out. Your car breaks down and you need a ride, for example. Such arrangements can be made among friends. What makes Pastoral Care unique is that we do these things for each other not because we are friends, which may or may not be the case, but because we belong to each other in Christ. Caring for one another is one of the marks of the church–we might even identify it as the essential mark of the church, remembering that Jesus did actually command us to do it!
There are then two parts to Pastoral Care. First, there is the need. We often hesitate to let others know that we are in need. Often people disappear from the church just when they do need help, maybe out of embarrassment. Our spiritual calling is not to self-sufficiency, however, but to mutuality. We miss out on the blessings God has planned for us when we attempt to go it alone. So by all means, call! Trinity has many ways of caring.
On the other side of Pastoral Care is volunteering. We have several formal ways of helping each other. Here are some:
- Rides to church and to the doctor
- Home communion for you if you cannot make it to church
- Friendly visitors for those who are alone
- Meals for those who have just gotten out of the hospital
- Organize and host funeral receptions for our members and their families.
- Prayer, both through the prayer list and in church
Assisting with these tasks does not take much time–in fact months can go by without there being a need. But helping one another is how we express our faith. So don’t miss this chance!
To Volunteer, Contact:
Dru Cowles (858-485-5585)
To be placed on the Prayer list, or let us know of a need, Contact:
Suzan Reiner (760 743-1629)