The Reverend Tom A. Callard, Rector

The Reverend Tom Callard was born in Vermont and grew up in Western Michigan, where his family had cows, horses, pigs, goats and 20 acres of land. He lived in Boston for many years and graduated from the University of Massachusetts in Boston with a degree in Religious studies. In 1998, Tom graduated from the Harvard Divinity School with a Masters of Divinity degree. Immediately after Divinity School he went to Honduras, where he served as a missionary. After returning to the U.S., Tom served as Vicar of St. Luke’s/ San Lucas church in Chelsea, Massachusetts. He met his wife, Sagrario, in Chelsea. Sagrario is originally from Honduras. The family lived for several years in Los Angeles, where Tom was the Rector of All Saints Church in Highland Park. Most recently Tom served as the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral in Springfield, Massachusetts, before joining us as Trinity’s new Rector. Tom and Sagrario have three children, Edwin, Maria and Jefferson, along with their poodle, Max. Tom enjoys being active, listening to music, reading and socializing and following current events. He can play about 10 chords on the guitar. He practices centering prayer and has had an active relationship with God and Jesus for most of his life. He works on this relationship every day and finds that this is best done in community. Tom and his family are very happy to be here with you.
David Lewis, Director of Music and Organist
David Lewis has been our Director of Music since 2005. He has his degree from California State University San Diego in choral conducting and has done graduate work with Sir David Willcocks. David is the founder and director of The San Luis Rey Chorale and Chamber Orchestra, an ecumenical and secular community choir established in 1978. He has been an associate instructor at Mira Costa College for over 25 years. David has been an Episcopal Church musician since 1976 and has sung in the choir from the age of ten. His family can trace their Anglican heritage back to 1628 when a distant uncle was knighted by none other than King James 1. Our beautiful and colorful traditions, liturgically and musically, continue to guide David’s musical endeavors. That said, the Trinity choir, bell ringers and instrumentalists strive for a well rounded, inclusive music ministry incorporating our ancient heritage as well as recent works and styles. David has also composed many anthems for the Parish Choir as well as psalm settings for all three cycles of the church lectionary.
While his training is classical, David says about music, “If it is meaningful to the people in the congregation, and brings them closer to God….I’ll play it.”
Sessy Cruz, Parish Administrator
I’m thrilled to be part of the community here at Trinity. I’m currently a student at Palomar College and plan to transfer to Cal State in Spring 2026 to complete my bachelor’s degree in Business Management.
Faith has been a guiding part of my life. I grew up attending Vista Church Assembly of God from infancy until age 15 and am grateful to now be part of this wonderful community at Trinity.
Outside of my studies and church life, I have a passion for the outdoors. My family and I go camping roughly once a month, and I’ve been fortunate to travel across much of the United States. I’m also dedicated to gym training, which I’ve been pursuing for over a year as a way to stay active and balanced.
I look forward to connecting with you, growing in faith together, and serving in ways that honor God and uplift our community.
Cindy Dodson, Seminarian
My name is Cindy Dodson, and I am so glad to be spending the better part of 2025 with all of you at Trinity. I am a Postulant and, God willing and the people consenting, I will be ordained as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church in 2026. During this time at Trinity, I will be working with Father Tom on my specific learning goals, and I am excited to be getting to know all of you, as well.
My sending church is St. Mary’s in the Valley in Ramona, the town in which I have lived for more than 17 years. I have served on our Bishop’s Committee, managed the Community Garden, facilitated two Sacred Ground Circles, have led a Meal Ministry and have started a Godly Play Ministry. I have been active in the Music Ministry at St. Mary’s, and have been on the preaching rotation for this past year. I love to read and have facilitated more than a few book studies.
I believe that we are all made in the image of God and are all on a journey of faith. I believe in the dignity of all and that we all bring our many gifts to the community. I am excited to grow with you as we build relationships and work together in service to the Lord.